November 29, 2007


Yesterday, I made a pair of boxers for my husband. This is surely to be the first of many pairs he will find under the Christmas tree this year! Once you get the hand of them they're pretty easy. This isn't a true tutorial so if you have any questions or need clarification please email me! So, big trick is I got my husband to sacrifice a "currently in rotation" pair of boxers. They need to be not too new or too old and a fit the wearer likes well enough. I carefully cut them into four pieces along the seams. Don't worry about the elastic. Seam rip it off and scrap it. I use the pieces as templates but make sure to add an extra inch or so for the seams. I can scrape by with 0.75 meter but for your first pair you may wanna go 1 meter since placing the templates can be a little tricky at first. My husband says he doesn't use the little hole-y bit in the front when he pees (I asked a few male friends and it turns out most don't (they just pull the top of the boxer down) so I'm able to omit this bit. So, I cut then sew. Look at an uncut pair of boxers to match up the crotch area. The order in which you sew doesn't make too huge a difference. For the elastic I recommend measuring the wearer as opposed to another pair of boxers. Makes the measurement more accurate. If you are capable of hemming the top AND sewing the elastic at the same time go for it. Keep the top stitch as close to the top as possible or it'll get too ruffle-y. Good luck!

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